Aid-Station Resources
Vets and their family members can search treatment providers to find the help that’s available nearby. The facilities listed are not endorsed nor recommended. These resources include facilities that treat PTS, TBI, CTS, depression, addiction, and provide alternative treatments to the VA for suicide prevention.
924 Westwood Blvd. Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90095
United States
Operation Mend provides advanced surgical and medical treatment, as well as comprehensive psychological-health support for post-9/11-era service members, veterans and their families at no cost.
2530 N. 7TH STREET, SUITE 103
Phoenix, AZ 85006
United States
Provides free or low-cost acupuncture treatments to Veterans and their families.
17300 Burgess
Detroit, MI 48219
United States
Veterans Village is a transition house for veterans interested in helping rebuild Detroit with sustainable solutions.
1150 S Las Vegas Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89104
United States
Veterans Village is dedicated to the creation of an environment that is home to United States Veterans. This is a unique and innovative approach to holistic and comprehensive housing with 24/7/365 crisis intervention center intensive support services.
4141 Pacific Hwy
San Diego, CA 92110
United States
VVSD assists homeless veterans who have substance abuse and/or mental health issues, including men and women who have recently returned from Iraq and Afghanistan.